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Pre K and Head Start Students are using Line, Shape, color, Pattern and Primary colors to mix to paint secondary colors in order to create an abstract artwork we will later turn into something more realistic!

PreK and Headstart Students created a Realisticly Colored and Textured Lion's mane by Painting with a Fork and Warm Colors!  Students also added Lines and Shapes to complete their Lion!

Prek and Head Start Clab slab Textured Animal Necklace with Realistic Colors and Abstract Patterns

 Pre K and HEad Start StudeNts Practice Mixing Colors on their Half Circle  DINOSAUR BODY  with OIL PASTELS! WE LEarned that Yellow and Blue make Green! Blue and Red Make Purple! and Yellow and Red MAke ORANGE!

Pre K and Head Start Students created a Shape and Line monster while learning how to paint, use many different types of shapes and line, and combining them to make an artwork!

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